6 Degree Intelligence

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Connecting the dots in complex financial networks, fraud detection and due diligence searches

If you have ever had to conduct due diligence; or investigate a client for potential fraud and money laundering; search for hidden assets; or simply satisfy compliance requirements you will be familiar with the information dump of disconnected data that most financial search companies provide.

The internet age allows for both great simplicity and huge complexity. An individual in one jurisdiction or country can register a business entity in another jurisdiction using third-party actors that may never meet or see each other, let alone be in the same locale. Everything can be done online, and at the push of a button money can be moved around the globe.

Complex webs of holding companies and other entities make it extremely difficult to assess an individual’s or organization’s financial infrastructure. In short, the criminal element has “never had it so good”. How to bring simplicity to this complexity? How can we enable financial institutions and law firms to do deep dive analysis of client’s efficiently and effectively?

Our answer is a solution we call 6 Degree Risk. It enables you to dig deeply and quickly through vast layers of data to identify business connections and to analyze potential risks. Powered by SAS, it uses sophisticated network graph theory and link analysis to join the dots. It takes vast amounts of seemingly disconnected data and brings order to chaos. It enables the user to see business connections beyond the first degree of known affiliations and make truly informed decisions about a client, assessing potential exposure to financial risk or even criminal malpractice. It can even help uncover hidden assets, and help identify marijuana, drug and human trafficking businesses.

We think you’ll be amazed when you see just what is possible. You’ll literally see the world in a new way.